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1. Fang Zong,Ting Wu, Hongfei Jia; Taxi Drivers’ Cruising Patterns—Insights From Taxi GPS Traces (2019). IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(2): 571-582.
2. Fang Zong, Meng Zeng, Yu-Xuan Li, Congestion pricing for sustainable urban transportation systems considering carbon emissions and travel habits, Sustainable Cities and Society, 101 (2024) 105198. 3. Fang Zong, Sheng Yue; Carbon Emission Impacts of Longitudinal Disturbance on Low-penetration Connected Automated Vehicle Environments (2023). Transportation Research Part D, Vol. 94, //doi.10.1016/j.trd.2023.103911. 4. Zong Fang, Zeng Meng, Yu Ping; A parking pricing scheme considering parking dynamics (2023). Transportation, //doi.org/10.1007/s11116-022-10370-0. 5. Zong Fang, Zeng Meng, Lv Jianyu, Wang Chenyu*. A Credit Charging Scheme Incorporating Carpool and Carbon Emissions (2021), Transportation Research Part D. 2021, 94. 6. Zong Fang, Li Yuxuan, Zeng Meng; Developing a carbon emission charging scheme considering mobility as a service (2023), Energy, DOI10.1016/j.Energy.2022.126495. 7. Fang Zong, Zhengbing He, Meng Zeng , Yixuan Liu. Dynamic lane changing trajectory planning for CAV: A multi-agent model with path preplanning (2022.12). Transportmetrica B, 10(1): 266-292. 8.Fang Zong, Yongda Tian, Yanan He, Jinjun Tang, Jianyu Lv; Trip Destination Prediction Based on Multi-Day GPS Data (2019). Physica A, 515: 258-269. 高被引 9. Wang W.S., Zong Fang*, Yao B.Z.*; A Proactive Real-Time Control Strategy Based on Data-Driven Transit Demand Prediction (2020). IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22(4): 2404-2416. 10. Guo Zhen, Yu Bin, Hao Mengyan, Wang Wensi, Jiang Yu *, Zong Fang *. A Novel Hybrid Method for Flight Departure Delay Prediction Using Random Forest Regression and Maximal Information Coefficient. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 116. 11. Fang Zong, Meng Zeng, Zhengbing He, Yixin Yuan; Bus-Car Mode Identification: Traffic Condition–Based Random-Forests Method (2020). Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2020, 146(10): 04020113. 12. Fang Zong, Jianyu Lv, Jinjun Tang, Xiao Wang, Fei Gao; Identifying Activities and Trips with GPS Data (2018). IET Intelligent Transport Systems,12(8): 884-890. 13. Fang Zong,Hongfei Jia, Zhicai Juan; Evaluating Effects of Integrated TDM Measures in Nanhai, China (2016). Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 169(4): 205-218. 14. Fang Zong, Ping Yu, Jinjun Tang, Xiao Su; Understanding Parking Decisions With Structural Equation Modeling (2019). Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 523: 408-417. 15. Fang Zong, Xiao Sun, Huiyong Zhang, Xiumei Zhu, Wentian Qi; Understanding Taxi Drivers' Multi-Day Cruising Patterns (2015). Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 27(6): 467-476. 16. Fang Zong, Yixin Yuan, Jianfeng Liu, Bai Yu, He Yanan; Identifying Travel Mode with GPS Data (2017) .Transportation Planning and Technology, 40(2): 242-255. 17. Fang Zong, Hongfei Jia, Xiang Pan, Yang Wu; Prediction of Commuters' Daily Time Allocation (2013). Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 25 (5): 445-455. 18. Fang Zong, Zhicai Juan, Hongfei Jia; Examination of Staggered Shifts Impacts on Travel Behavior: A Case Study of Beijing, China (2013). Transport, 2013, 28(2): 175-185. 19. Fang Zong, Yongda Tian, Yanan He, Jinjun Tang, Jianyu Lv; Trip Destination Prediction Based on Multi-Day GPS Data (2019). Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 515: 258-269. 20. Fang Zong, Huiyong Zhang, Haifan Li; Learning Taxis' Cruising Patterns with Ripley's K Function (2015). Journal of Central South University, 22(9): 3677-3682. 21. Fang Zong, Menglin Wang; Understanding Parking Decisions with a Bayesian Network (2015). Transportation Planning and Technology, 38(6): 585-600. 22. Fang Zong; Understanding Taxi Driver's Cruising Behavior with ZIP Model (2014). Journal of Central South University, 21(8): 3404-3410. 23.宗芳,石佩鑫,王猛,贺正冰.考虑前后多车的网联自动驾驶车辆混流跟驰模型, 中国公路学报,2021.入选2024领跑者5000(F5000)顶尖论文 24.宗芳,李宇暄,贺正冰,曾梦.基于混行跟驰仿真的CAV专用进口道动态设置方法(双语),中国公路学报,2021. 25.宗芳,石蕊,刘怿轩,任园园,郑雪莲.信号交叉口行车风险场建立及车辆通行行为优化,中国公路学报,2021. 26.宗芳,王猛,曾梦,石佩鑫,王力. 考虑多前车作用势的混行交通流车辆跟驰模型,交通运输工程学报.2022,22(01) |